The History of Salt

Salt was in use long before recorded history. Since the dawn of time, animals have instinctively forged trails to natural salt sources to satisfy their need for salt.

Salt through the Ages

Early human hunters obtained their salt from eating animal meat. As they turned to agriculture and the diet changed, they found that salt (maybe as sea water) gave vegetables the same salty flavour they were accustomed to with meat.

Over many millennia, they learned how salt helped to preserve food, cure hides and heal wounds. Nomadic bands would have carried salt with them and traded it with other bands for different goods.

This History of Salt section will take you on the journey of our relationship with salt from ancient times through to the chemical revolution.


Salt During Our Early History

Including Ancient, Iron Age, Roman & Anglo Saxon Times. Find out more…

Salt in the Middle Ages

Including the Normans, Late Medieval, the Black Death, Tudor & Stuart Periods. Find out more…

Early Modern Period

Technology and change one to coal and iron pans. Find out more…

The Chemical Revolution

The impact of the chemical revolution on the salt industry was enormous.. Find out more…